Farm Journal ~ August

After the summer storm has blown through.. the Toms have the place to themselves again.
July flew by! We were open for four hot and humid days which was two days more than we expected as we begin to wind down at the farm. No one seemed to mind the unpruned bushes or the weeds which seemed to grow taller with every passing day. The blueberries were abundant and tasty even so.
We did mind the fact that the fields did not look as cared for as they have in past summers but this is something we have to take in stride, as we hope you will. We don't know how many years ahead will have these special days open to the public but in order to offer them we will all have to be as gracious as possible with the evolution. Someday the weeds and wildflowers and young trees will reclaim the cultivated rows and the blueberries will simply be part of all that wildness for the wildlife to forage among.
July flew by! We were open for four hot and humid days which was two days more than we expected as we begin to wind down at the farm. No one seemed to mind the unpruned bushes or the weeds which seemed to grow taller with every passing day. The blueberries were abundant and tasty even so.
We did mind the fact that the fields did not look as cared for as they have in past summers but this is something we have to take in stride, as we hope you will. We don't know how many years ahead will have these special days open to the public but in order to offer them we will all have to be as gracious as possible with the evolution. Someday the weeds and wildflowers and young trees will reclaim the cultivated rows and the blueberries will simply be part of all that wildness for the wildlife to forage among.