Farm Journal- August
The farm is now closed for the season. The nets are coming down and soon birds and other wildlife will have the field all
to themselves.
We will remember this summer of 2010 as our earliest and shortest season on record. There are two reasons for this- damage from winter moths (see Links under more...) was extensive- 40% of the crop was lost- and the early, excessive, and prolonged heat and humidity pushed the ripening too quickly to stagger over several weeks. For those of us who work the land, no year is ever quite like another and we have learned to be flexible and tolerant, grateful, for all we have, and still hopeful for better years ahead.
We thank all of you once again for your patronage of Hokum Rock Farm. We hope you and your family enjoyed your visits and all the blueberries and memories you brought home with you. We also extend thanks to our many loyal helpers- M.J., John, Harry, Evangeline, Leo, Jack, Sandra, Deb, Barb, Liz, Owen, and finally, Janice, our web master and co-editor and publisher of our sold out recipe book, and of course- Audrey, Stella, Buddy and Cobie. Until next summer- visit us here on the web!