Farm Journal- December

Late autumn weather gifts us time to finish our farm chores. All the rows are fully mulched with leaf mulch to see them through the cold months ahead. This not only shelters the roots but provides nourishment for both plants and soil. The blueberry branches, called canes, have taken on their winter crimson shade. It might look like grass between the rows but it is actually a matted ground cover of Purple Dead-Nettle, a weed we discourage in the spring.
Birds are less abundant now, only the winter residents, including our Red-tailed Hawk, and the Winter Moths have emerged. The farm is a quiet, peaceful place for afternoon walks with the dogs and we couldn't be more grateful for this land.
Birds are less abundant now, only the winter residents, including our Red-tailed Hawk, and the Winter Moths have emerged. The farm is a quiet, peaceful place for afternoon walks with the dogs and we couldn't be more grateful for this land.