Farm Journal- September
Who among us hasn't noticed the change in the air- the quality of light, the earlier sunsets, the scent of fall. It may still be too warm, and uncomfortably humid, to feel the change as fully as we might like, but we know it's coming. September is a month we welcome. The summer went by so quickly and yet we feel ready to put it behind us. The autumnal equinox lies ahead. Primary season. School. It has its own tasks.
At the farm the nets are fully mended and wrapped for the winter. It was a disappointingly short blueberry season for us all. Even if the berries were tasty, that made it even harder to bear for some. We are irrigating our plants quite religiously now, at least twice a week. The fall is when next year's berries set before winter's dormancy. The plants are soaking in the moisture and the warm fall sun. They are growing and gathering reserves.
There was some evidence of the Spotted Wing Drosophila Fruit Fly at closing, so there was not too much lost to this invasive. Weeds have been the real problem for us this year. It will take this month to get them back under control.
Meanwhile here is that calm beauty we love, the quiet peace of the farm in fall. A touch of color here and there on the plants. Our walks shared with dragonflies and Monarchs, swallows, bluebirds, our Red-tail Hawk.
Yes, we do breathe a sigh of relief and welcome the return of fall.
At the farm the nets are fully mended and wrapped for the winter. It was a disappointingly short blueberry season for us all. Even if the berries were tasty, that made it even harder to bear for some. We are irrigating our plants quite religiously now, at least twice a week. The fall is when next year's berries set before winter's dormancy. The plants are soaking in the moisture and the warm fall sun. They are growing and gathering reserves.
There was some evidence of the Spotted Wing Drosophila Fruit Fly at closing, so there was not too much lost to this invasive. Weeds have been the real problem for us this year. It will take this month to get them back under control.
Meanwhile here is that calm beauty we love, the quiet peace of the farm in fall. A touch of color here and there on the plants. Our walks shared with dragonflies and Monarchs, swallows, bluebirds, our Red-tail Hawk.
Yes, we do breathe a sigh of relief and welcome the return of fall.