Farm Journal- May

The merry month of May! One of our favorites. The blueberry bushes are leafing out and the berry clusters are opening. There are bumblebees out in the field awaiting the arrival of this month's blossoms. Pruning is continuing at a steady pace.
Although the weather has been as unpredictable as it always is here on the Cape, we had many fine spring days in April and hope for more this month. It is just good to see that carpet of green grass, wildflowers pushing up through the soil, and the plants looking so healthy and strong.
Although the weather has been as unpredictable as it always is here on the Cape, we had many fine spring days in April and hope for more this month. It is just good to see that carpet of green grass, wildflowers pushing up through the soil, and the plants looking so healthy and strong.
May Events- Please join us!
- May 18th, 2019, Saturday, 8:30- 9:30, FARM FIELD TOUR w/ Harwich Conservation Trust. hctlink
- May 23, 2019, Thursday, 7pm, AUTHOR TALK @ Eldredge Public Library, Chatham. eldredgelink