Farm Journal- December

Suddenly it's December again. We are still playing catch up with the fall chores around the farm. The strong winds of late November blew all of the leaves off the bushes so we have missed out on our small display of spectacular color. The canes darkened up to their holiday crimson early though, so there is some consolation.
As the farm is now and forever more protected by its conservation status it is our responsibility as well as joy to be stewards of this land for all generations to come. At the close of every year we give thanks and re-commit ourselves to the preservation of its natural state of beauty, each and every foot of its 18 acres.
As the farm is now and forever more protected by its conservation status it is our responsibility as well as joy to be stewards of this land for all generations to come. At the close of every year we give thanks and re-commit ourselves to the preservation of its natural state of beauty, each and every foot of its 18 acres.
Stella Cakounes~ R.I.P.

We are sad to announce the loss of another dear friend of ours at year's end~ the beloved Stella~ sheep dog extraordinaire, rustler of cranberries, friend of our farm and of our own Audrey.
May she rest in peace except of course when she and Audrey are chasing each other about.
And we wish that her loving spirit burns bright in the hearts of her family, easing their enormous loss.
May she rest in peace except of course when she and Audrey are chasing each other about.
And we wish that her loving spirit burns bright in the hearts of her family, easing their enormous loss.