Farm Journal- November

At the beginning of November we barely notice any difference from the previous month, but this will a month of dramatic change. The burnished color that starts at the top of each blueberry plant will have made its way to the lowest branches. The leaves will fall and the branches be laid bare, varying little year to year.
However, something is different this year.
The first bank of 750 bushes looks the same as we might expect (as pictured); the late ripening varieties, in the lower bank, have dropped all of their leaves. Skipping weeks of gradual coloration. The buds look set and healthy. Can it be explained by our unusual fall weather? It is a mystery for now, one we will pursue come spring.
However, something is different this year.
The first bank of 750 bushes looks the same as we might expect (as pictured); the late ripening varieties, in the lower bank, have dropped all of their leaves. Skipping weeks of gradual coloration. The buds look set and healthy. Can it be explained by our unusual fall weather? It is a mystery for now, one we will pursue come spring.