Farm Journal- August

Blueberry season was in full swing earlier this month. Though our crop was abundant this year, so were the crowds. The high humidity throughout the summer has made it hard for our patrons to stay out in the field too long. It has also meant that the berries don't last as long without refrigeration.
Late summer is when the invasive insects, Spotted Wing Drisophila, and the Brown Marmorated Sting Bug, start doing some damage to the crop. We have seen signs of the former but not the latter. Swallows, bats, hummingbirds, and unfortunately insecticide are the only control agents; the nets which safeguard our blueberries are are an impediment here, safeguarding the insects.
At mid-month we have been closed for ripening for about 10 days. We still hold out hope for another pick before closing. As of August 24th- we closed for the season.
Astonishing numbers- we thought we were busier this summer!