Farm Journal- December
Our weeders have been hard at work. The Turkdeys that is. We have never seen anything like this before. It is not that there are more Turkeys, only that they have been scavenging along the rows quite heavily for two months now, in search of grubs no doubt. Perhaps this is a way to predict the kind of winter we will have...time will tell. Any other year we would have had a lot of work on our hands due to all their digging. We don't mind them getting rid of weeds, which they are doing a great job with. It is the fact that they are exposing the blueberry plants' roots which need protection for the winter. The plants are now in full dormancy until spring. We usually would have mulched the rows by now but we are not doing that this year, or any year going forward. We do not know what effect all this digging will have.