Farm Journal- September

There are few Cape Codders who do not anticipate the arrival of fall without a sense of relief and anticipation. Although it is hard to turn away from summer and its joys fall has its own. But this year, fall's colors will be muted on the Cape due to Hurricane Irene. We were fortunate it did such little damage here and elsewhere though there was some. The strong winds of Hurricane Bob in '91 had torn our nets apart so we pulled them down early. Unfortunately, with the late ripening berries exposed, this cut our season short. The final pick did not materialize and we apologize for those of you who were waiting for it.
Now we are watching the plants as they set their buds for the spring. They are a little beat up from the storm. Hurricane winds bring salt spray in from the ocean and coat the leaves which can effect next year's crop and there was not enough rain the wash them clean. As always, we will hope for the best as we move through the fall.
Now we are watching the plants as they set their buds for the spring. They are a little beat up from the storm. Hurricane winds bring salt spray in from the ocean and coat the leaves which can effect next year's crop and there was not enough rain the wash them clean. As always, we will hope for the best as we move through the fall.