Farm Journal- June
One of our favorite sights at the farm at this time of year is when we catch a glimpse of the deep violet flowers of Wild Lupine waving in the tall grass at the head of our wildflower meadow.
The Bumblebees seek them out now as their pollination of our blueberries is nearly complete. We will be done with our pruning by this first week of June, and yes, we are about a month behind this year.
The berries are forming nicely, right on schedule, and the crop looks good so far.
We hope you can catch one of our June book events: Author Talk, slide show, and book signing at the Centerville Public Library on Saturday, June 16th @ 11am; Book Signing at Titcombs Book Store on Friday, June 29th @ 1pm. More next month!
The June issue of Cape Cod Magazine
features a wonderful article about our farm and new book!
features a wonderful article about our farm and new book!