Farm Journal ~ January 2023
There is an austerity out in the field mid-winter when all the plants are dormant and our resident avians seem few and far between. It is quiet and beautiful. Restful to walk out in.
This is our own time too for quiet reflection and with time off from outdoor labors, we can turn inward as well.
The past year, 2022, had so many challenges- we think first of Ukraine, we think of the storms with their sudden severity exacerbated by climate change. We lost friends this year the like of which will not be seen again. And yet, with all that, it was a year of beautiful memories and magical moments we will carry with us forever. This is life. And we are grateful for all of it; the turning year reminds us of how precious it is.
This is our own time too for quiet reflection and with time off from outdoor labors, we can turn inward as well.
The past year, 2022, had so many challenges- we think first of Ukraine, we think of the storms with their sudden severity exacerbated by climate change. We lost friends this year the like of which will not be seen again. And yet, with all that, it was a year of beautiful memories and magical moments we will carry with us forever. This is life. And we are grateful for all of it; the turning year reminds us of how precious it is.