Farm Journal- July

By mid-July the nets are up on both the upper and lower fields, a sure sign that the berries are ready to eat. A few birds still find their way inside but we provide an escort service to herd them out again-without the nets they'd leave nothing for us at all! We'll open the nets for them at the end of the season...
The lack of rain hasn't bothered the plants as they benefit from drip-irrigation and their roots are protected by mulch. If anything, the humidity has plumped up the fruit a bit. Everyone has commented on the size, beauty, and sweetness of the blueberries this season and we agree- they are beauties!
The lack of rain hasn't bothered the plants as they benefit from drip-irrigation and their roots are protected by mulch. If anything, the humidity has plumped up the fruit a bit. Everyone has commented on the size, beauty, and sweetness of the blueberries this season and we agree- they are beauties!