Farm Journal- June

This cluster of blueberries shows the transformation that is taking place out in the field in early June. Note the white blossom yet to be pollinated, the shriveled blossom that has been, and the set berries already emerging. The bees have done an amazing job as usual and the berries are plentiful.
Not only are the berries green. The field is lush with tall green grass from all the rain. We give all the varieties of grass a chance to seed up before we mow, and then only where necessary.
Unfortunately, we have noticed a bit of leaf nibbling here and there from Gypsy Moth caterpillars but are hoping there will be little damage in the weeks ahead. Entomologist Larry Dapsis is due for a field call.
Not only are the berries green. The field is lush with tall green grass from all the rain. We give all the varieties of grass a chance to seed up before we mow, and then only where necessary.
Unfortunately, we have noticed a bit of leaf nibbling here and there from Gypsy Moth caterpillars but are hoping there will be little damage in the weeks ahead. Entomologist Larry Dapsis is due for a field call.